
I have written this post as another exception to my policy of avoiding politics on my blog. I have no choice. Our children’s safety requires our unwavering support. Again another massacre in a high school—this time in Santa Fe, Texas. Again our students are being murdered where they should have been under the protection of our government. Again politicians offer the name of God and issue empty condolences and promises. Prayers are no longer mentioned since the same authorities have repeated the word so often it has become an old cliché.  They count on the oblivion power of some more or less significant achievements in the country. That their constituents will trade the safety of their sons and daughters for these little successes. You will prove them wrong. These crimes will continue as long as a large group of Republican representatives and senators answer more to the NRA than to the American people. These elected officials flaunt their contempt for reasonable gun laws, fill their pockets with money from unscrupulous lobbyists, and bandy around the excuse of a misinterpreted Second Amendment. I wish I had to remind you how to cast your ballot in November. Unfortunately, I do not have to.  The chances are that another school bloodbath will be your final call to change this country as you face the voting polls.