Born Slaves
The 39-year-old PhD scientist was born in Lafayette, Louisiana. He had just come back from a trip to visit his family, the first time after Kathrina’s devastation. The whole area—which is 60 miles from the coast—was destroyed by seawater and winds. His family farm was still there, but no one grew anything. The young men had left the countryside. They used to grow sugar cane, figs, corn, and other staples. Europeans settled in the area, and their traditions remained very much alive. People lived many years. He met his grandparents because his grandma died at 106.
“They were born slaves,” he said, “and were liberated at five or six years of age. My grandpa used to sit me in his lap and tell me stories.”

Note: Traducción en ingles después del español
Este libro narra la historia de dos jóvenes que formaron una pareja modesta a mediados del siglo pasado. Lucharon incansablemente para sobrevivir a los crueles años de la Guerra Civil Española, la penuria de la posguerra y la terrible melancolía e injusticia que azotaron a la sociedad española durante las décadas posteriores.
Escribí este libro en español e inglés porque mi madre, Carmela, me lo pidió. Ahora que lo leo cronológicamente, con todo lo que relato sobre lo que vivieron, los secretos familiares que guardaban celosamente; ahora que estoy a un clic de ratón de hacerlo público, me pregunto si debo proceder.
Como escritor, mi deber es ser totalmente honesto con mis lectores.