“The Stranger’s Enigma” is entirely based on dreams I recorded over the past several years. I devised a plot and placed each dream where it would steer the course and move it along toward the resolution of the enigma. When I was writing the book there was a point when I could not find a recorded dream that would move the story forward. That night I dreamed that I was dreaming and experienced the most amazing scenes that fit the novel to perfection. I thought I knew the ending but I did not. The story surprised me; I did not know how it would end until the very last paragraph.
The cover was inspired by a passage in the novel where Dr. Daniel Brandon looks for the face of the woman he fell in love in one of his dreams. He goes to check the images carved on metal plaques that are displayed on wooden posts at Sculpture Park in Skokie, Illinois. The cover is the picture of one of them.