Free e-Book Copy of “The Stranger’s Enigma”

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From 11/17/ 2014 through 11/24/2014, “The Stranger’s Enigma”can be downloaded for free from the Amazon Kindle Store.

The description of the novel follows:

Dr. Daniel Brandon falls victim of tedious home life and relentless job stress and finds his nightly dreams his only escape. Convinced that the protagonist of his dreams holds the secret of eternal youth and joy, he decides to study him and unveil the enigma. He finds a stranger who resembles him physically, but unlike him, enjoys sexual freedom and adventures. His dreams steer him into true love and takes him through a path where reality and dreams merge into a surreal world.  Here his final search for the enigma begins.



I ask my readers for their kind support. After you read my novel, I would appreciate your feedback with your fair review of the book on Amazon.

I  wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Thank you,


Louis Villalba