The Meaning of Dreams


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What is the meaning of dreams?  A dream is triggered by an idea, an image, or a sensation in the twenty-four hours prior to the dream. This stimulus is invariably tagged to a mood: anxiety, fear, depression, elation, and so on, and behaves like a loose piece of thread left from the waking experience. The brain pulls this thread with a masterful ability at night as if it were holding a marionette. It ushers it through a specific nerve pathway. The mood tagged to the trigger determines the route the thread would follow to unravel particular scenes in the memory storage.  In most people, anxiety and low moods reproduce naked scenes, nightmares where you might find yourself naked from the waist down in the middle of a street.  Self-criticism and self-deprecation bring about foul scenes in public such defecating, urinating or spurting forth a filthy fluid through every squeezed pore of your body. The combination of anxiety and fear often causes nightmares where a fender bender might skyrocket and demolish your car into a slab of steel and plastic as if a roller had ironed it out.  You might watch someone die or cover a corpse with a blanket.  Your brain might have a different visual way of expressing these emotions. But whatever unique images it selects for a mood, they will be consistently reproduced in your dreams.  Keep track of them and learn the emotional meaning of dreams.  From then on, you will not have to wonder how you feel inside; you will know your inner mood. Dreams behave like a thermometer that measures the current emotional state of our mind.  In my book “The Stranger’s Enigma,” I use the power of storytelling—an engaging story— to bring to light important concepts in this field and teach the readers the meaning of dreams. If you want me to help you interpret the meaning of a dream, write the description as a reply to this post. I will give you an answer.  It will be kept confidential.